Possible to add a timestamp property to every individual property.Protocol support for historical states.The latest version of the Auto API comes with internal protocol improvements and an expanded data set of vehicle data.

This is a major release across all SDKs, APIs and emulators that introduces Auto API level 8. Web environment is selected automatically or can be set in HMKit.webUrl. OAuth2 is used to get the access token to download a vehicle Access Certificate. signature method for using it in unpadded form for the JWT.

Windscreen Zone-type has a different binary representation.Capabilities API represents enabled property IDs for a given capability (instead of message types as previously). Most capabilities support requesting just a single or more, specific, properties (in addition to the entire state). Updates to the binary format makes this release not compatible with previous versions. In addition, the change was done to facilitate automatic generation of platform specific libraries from the Auto API spec. The binary format of the Auto API has been changed to unify properties across commands and simplify the range of different value-types.